Reality TV Now Just A Recap Of What’s Coming Up — The Shovel

Reality TV Now Just A Recap Of What’s Coming Up

Reality TV is now just a series of segments summarising a previous section that told you what was coming up after the ad break, it was revealed today.

An industry insider said the new method made captivating television. “Before the ad break we’ll give you a little teaser to let you know what’s coming up. And then after the ad break, we’ll do a quick re-cap of what happened before the ad break, just in case you’d forgotten, which of course was the teaser. Then, we’ll do another little teaser of what’s coming up, which will just be a recap of that latest teaser. You won’t want to miss a minute”.

She said the format kept audiences guessing. “If you’ve got no attention span, then this is really gripping, edge-of-your-seat stuff,” she said.

“If you’ve got no attention span, then this is really gripping, edge-of-your-seat stuff,” she said.


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